District 13 Lake Geneva Results
April 2004 Pictures
Lake Geneva 2004 Pictures, most from the Tuesday blackout
If you want a picture in a larger size, you can download it by right-clicking on the picture and saving it to your computer
Winners of first Bobby Shipley Memorial Swiss Teams
Larry and Adrienne Cohen; Mary and Craig Gardner
Tuesday's blackout; There's still a line buying entries, but for what?
Tuesday's blackout; Tournament chair laughing? or crying?
Tuesday's blackout; Staff bringing in emergency lighting and a security officer to prevent muggings, I presume
Tuesday's blackout; No problems at the registration desk
Tuesday's blackout; But kind of dark in the playing area
Tuesday's blackout; Emergency Lights work, but how many of these were there?
Rubber Bridge? Remember how to score?
Tuesday's blackout; Passell playing Rubber Bridge?
Tuesday's blackout; Was the roof leaking also?